Civic Priests
2 contributors - Hardback
Hans P. Hahn is Professor for Anthropology with regional focus on Africa at Goethe University Frankfurt. He spent many years in West Africa (Togo, Ghana, Burkina Faso) doing ethnographic fieldwork on a wide range of themes of rural economies. His research interests are oriented towards material culture, consumption, migration and mobility in non-western societies. He participated in the organization of several exhibitions on human action and materiality. Other ongoing research initiatives are linked with polysemic approaches to material culture studies. Anja Klöckner is Professor of Classical Archaeology and Head of the Collection of Classical Antiquities at Goethe University Frankfurt. Her research interests are visual media in Greek and Roman culture, funerary culture in Roman Imperial times and archaeology of religion. Her recent publications include an edited volume on Treveran Grave Monument. Dirk Wicke is Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeological Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt. He directed fieldwork in Northern Mesopotamia with a special focus on the periods of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. His interests focus on the archaeology of ancient Assyria in general and on ancient minor arts.