Justice and Penal Reform
4 contributors - Hardback
Anita Dockley is Research Director of the Howard League for Penal Reform. She joined the charity in 1991 as its penal policy officer after completing her academic studies at the London School of Economics. Anita has had many roles at the Howard League, including its Assistant Director with responsibility for policy development, press and parliamentary work. Anita has undertaken research and written on a number of subjects including self-harm and suicide in the penal system, mother and babies in prison, women lifers, and order and control in prisons. She is currently the managing editor of The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice and she is a member of the law sub panel in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework assessments. Ian Loader is Professor and Director of Criminology at Oxford University. He is author or co-author of six books: Cautionary Tales (1994, Avebury, with S. Anderson, R. Kinsey and C. Smith), Youth, Policing and Democracy (1996, Palgrave), Crime and Social Change in Middle England (2000, Routledge, with E. Girling and R. Sparks), Policing and the Condition of England: Memory, Politics and Culture (2003, Oxford, with A. Mulcahy), Civilizing Security (2007, Cambridge, with N. Walker) and Public Criminology? (2010, Routledge, with R. Sparks). Ian is an editor of the British Journal of Criminology, Associate Editor of Theoretical Criminology and is on the editorial boards of Policing and Society, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, The Open Criminology Journal and International Political Sociology (IPS).