Anirudh Singh Author & Editor

Anirudh Singh, PhD is a researcher/writer/consultant in Renewable Energy and Climate Change and is currently a Professor in Renewable Energy at the University of Fiji, where he coordinates the Masters in Renewable Energy Management programme. Dr. Singh is also Associate Editor of Management of Environmental Quality – An International Journal published by the Emerald group publishing.

Anirudh spent the major portion of his teaching/research career at the University of the South Pacific (USP) where he taught postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Physics and Renewable Energy and managed two major capacity-building projects in Renewable Energy within international EU-funded collaborations.

Dr. Singh has section-edited a Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation for Springer, written one EU-funded introductory book on Renewable Energy, a concise book in renewable energy for an international publisher, eleven book chapters and more than 50 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He has organized in excess of 16 academic and capacity-building events, including chairing/co-chairing 2 international conferences, 2 regional workshops and 12 energy workshops conducted at USP.

Before his career in renewable energy, Anirudh carried out muon implantation research at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Leicester University in the UK where he obtained his PhD in Condensed Matter Physics.