Anil K Agarwal Editor & Author

John A. Windsor did surgical training in New Zealand and specialist HBP training in Edinburgh, UK. He is currently Professor of Surgery and Director of the Surgical and Translational Research Centre at the University of Auckland, HBP and Upper GI Surgeon at the Auckland City and Mercy Hospitals, Fellow of ANZ, American and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons, and Yeoh Ghim Seng Professor at National University of Singapore. His interests include the management of acute and chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and gastro-oesophageal reflux and cancer. His research includes pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis, the role of toxic mesenteric lymph in critical illness, and the mapping and modulation of gastric electrical activity. He has been awarded the Gluckman Medal for research contributions at the University of Auckland, the Sir Louis Barnett Medal for contributions to the RACS, and elected Fellow of the American Surgical Association, James IV Association, and the Royal Society of New Zealand. Sanjay Pandanaboyana undertook his undergraduate medical training in Kurnool Medical College in Andhra Pradesh, India. He was interested to pursue a career in HPB and Transplant Surgery and underwent further specialist training in North East of Scotland including HPB and Transplant fellowships at Edinburgh and Leeds, UK, and Auckland, New Zealand. His main academic interests are in acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer, with more than 100 publications in these areas with an H index of 30. He is the Regional Surgical Advisor for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSED) for the North East of England and Committee member of the Surgical Speciality Board of RCSED. Anil K. Agarwal graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) under Delhi University in 1986 and completed his post-graduation in surgery from Safdarjung Hospital and MCh from GB Pant Hospital, India. He received training in HPB surgery and liver transplant at the Royal Free Hospital and UCL London, UK. He joined the department of GI Surgery at the GB Pant Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in 1993 where he currently serves as Director. He has served as President of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology (IASG) and on the research and scientific committee of the IHPBA and A-PHPBA, Advisory board of the International Laparoscopic Liver Society (ILLS). He has received several fellowships and awards, including FRCS England (ad enudem), the Delhi State Award for health services, and the prestigious 'Dr BC Roy award' in the 'Eminent Medical Teacher' category. He is currently member of the 'Post graduate' committee of the National Medical Council.