Angelo Gavezzotti Author

Professor Angelo Gavezzotti Laurea (degree) in Chemistry, 1968, University of Milano 1972 Lecturer in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Milano 1983 Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Milano 1987 Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Milano 1973-74 Research term at Centre Europeen de Calcul Atomique et Moleculaire, Orsay (Paris); 1977-78 Research term at the Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan (with L.S.Bartell) Coeditor, Acta Crystallographica (1988-1991) Author or coauthor of about 120 full papers in properly refereed journals or books with international editorship (mean of 2.2 authors per publication) Author of widely disseminated computer program packages Invited speaker at congresses, meetings, or for lectures and seminars in Universities and Chemical Companies worldwide Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2005)