Angela King Author & Editor

Angela King started work as a fashion designer and buyer in New York before becoming the Friends of the Earth first Wildlife Campaigner for England. She was then actively campaigning with Friends of the Earth and jointly initiated and ran the Friends of the Earth Otter Project and then went on to be consultant to Earth Resources Research and Nature Conservancy Council until Common Ground was founded in 1982/3. Sue Clifford and Angela King have been at the forefront of cultural campaigning in the environmental movement and environmental awareness raising in the arts since they founded Common Ground in 1982/3 with Roger Deakin. In 1990 Common Ground Angela King invented Apple Day and in 1992 the idea of Community Orchards was initiated, there are now hundred of events across the country on October 21st and many orchards are being developed for community use. Common Ground is a charity offering imaginative ideas for people to progress for themselves in their own places, learning by doing. It has been supported by many funding bodies from DEFRA, the Countryside Agency, Environment Agency and English Nature to the Arts Lottery and Arts Council as well as many foundations and trusts. Common Ground have won numerous awards and in 2010 were awarded The Independent Newspaper Green Charity of the Year. For more information on Common Ground visit Sue Clifford and Angela King have written numerous books together and have edited three anthologies of Poetry for Green Books: Trees be Company, Field Days and The River’s Voice plus Community Orchards Handbook.