Blood and Bone
2 contributors - Paperback
Angela Belli is professor of English at St. John's University, recent president of the New York College English Association, and author of Ancient Greek Myths and Modern Drama and the forthcoming book Bodies and Barriers: Dramas of Dis-ease. Her essays and reviews have appeared in publications including Journal of Poetry Therapy, Literature and Medicine, the Journal of Medical Humanities, Social Sciences and Medicine, and Medical Heritage. Jack Coulehan teaches and practices medicine at Stony Brook University. His poems and stories appear frequently in literary magazines and medical journals and have been widely anthologized. He has published four collections of poetry, most recently Medical Stone. His other books include Chekhov's Doctors and The Medical Interviews: Mastering Skills for Clinical Practice. Together, Belli and Coulehan edited Blood and Bone: Poems by Physicians (IOWA 1998)