Andrzej J Witkowski Editor

Andrzej J. Witkowski, PhD, DSc, is an associate professor at the University of Silesia in Poland and Head of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology. His academic work has included studies on hydrogeology, groundwater protection, vulnerability and monitoring. He is the author or co-author of 162 publications in the area of hydrogeology and groundwater protection and author or co-author of about 130 unpublished projects and reports. He was co-editor of IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology, Vol.11.- "Groundwater vulnerability assessment and mapping". He is editor-in-Chief of the Polish journal "Hydrogeologia" and member of the Editorial Board of the Slovak journal "Podzemna Voda". Professional affiliations: IAH – International Association of Hydrogeologists (President of the Polish National Chapter, 2010-2016), IMWA – International Mine Water Association (Vice President, 2000-2003; President,2003-2008; Honorary President since 2008), SHP- Association of Polish Hydrogeologists (President since 2011), SAH- Slovenska Asociácie Hydrogeológov.

Sabina Jakóbczyk-Karpierz, PhD, is a hydrogeologist. She has worked at the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Katowice (Poland) since 2008. Her research interests are groundwater geochemistry, geochemical modelling and application of environmental tracers in groundwater dating and protection. She has been involved in several European projects concerning groundwater quality and management of groundwater resources. She was reviewer for such Journals as: „Journal of Hydrology", "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health", "Water". She is a member of the IAH and SHP - Association of Polish Hydrogeologists.

Joanna Czekaj, MSc, has a 8-year experience in hydrogeology. Her main field of research is groundwater-surface water interaction, especially the problem of groundwater interaction with artificial drinking water reservoirs. Her interest is focused on GIS, water resources modeling and its application in sustainable water resources management. One of the most important aspects of Joanna’s work is research implementation under R&D activities. Currently, Joanna is working at the R&D department in one of the biggest water supplying company in Poland – Silesian Waterworks PLC and her responsibilities include managing of PROLINE-CE and boDEREC-CE projects, co-funded by Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program.

Dorota Grabala, MSc, is researcher at the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, University of Silesia (Poland). She is involved in regional hydrogeological studies and problems of groundwater protection and monitoring. She has been involved in several Polish and international projects on groundwater pollution and management (WOKAM - World Karst Aquifer Mapping, INTERREG CE).