Andrew Skilton Translator & Author

Born in Paris, Andre Bareau forged a career in the interpretation of Buddhist doctrine from textual sources that led him to become a professor at the College de France and a world authority on early Buddhism. He published several books, including several definitive volumes on the biography of the Buddha taken from the Stra and Vinaya collections of the Buddhist canon, and more than one hundred scholarly articles. Andrew Skilton is a scholar of the Buddhist history and literature of South, Southeast Asia. He studied Buddhism and Buddhist languages at the universities of Bristol and Oxford, where he did his Ph.D. on the Samdhirjastra , a major Mahyna scripture, examining its Chinese, Tibetan, Sanskrit, and Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit recensions. He was senior lecturer in Buddhist studies at Cardiff University and associate lecturer and research fellow at SOAS, London. He is now senior research fellow in Buddhist studies in the Theology and Religious Studies Department at King's College, London, and also manages the Revealing Hidden Collections Project at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. His publications include A Concise History of Buddhism, The Bodhicaryvatra (with Kate Crosby), and How the Ngas Were Pleased.