Essential Epidemiology
3 authors - Set / collection
Penelope Webb is a Principal Research Fellow and Group Leader at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, and Honorary Professor in the School of Public Health, University of Queensland. She taught basic and intermediate epidemiology to public health students across Australia for five years and has worked as a visiting scientist at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, France, and Harvard University, Massachusetts. She has published more than 290 original research papers in the field of epidemiology. Chris Bain is formerly a Reader in Epidemiology at the University of Queensland and has taught epidemiology to public health and medical students for over three decades Bain has co-authored a book on systematic reviews, as well as many research papers. He has had wide exposure to international epidemiological practice and teaching in the UK and US. Andrew Page is Professor of Epidemiology in the School of Medicine at Western Sydney University, Australia. He has been teaching basic and intermediate epidemiology and population health courses to health sciences students for thirteen years, and has published over 180 research articles and reports across a diverse range of population health topics. He has been a Research Associate at the University of Bristol and has also worked at the University of Queensland and University of Sydney in Australia.