Andrew McBride Editor

Richard Pates is Clinical Director of the Community Addiction Unit in Cardiff and is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist. He has been working with drug users for the past 16 years. He has research interests in injecting, especially needle fixation and the treatment of amphetamine users. He is also the Editor of Journal of Substance Abuse.

Dr Andrew McBride MB ChB MSc FRCPsych has been a Consultant Psychiatrist with the Specialist Community Addiction Service in Oxford since 2002. After training in Manchester and south Wales, he established Mid Glamorgan Community Drug and Alcohol Team in 1988 and moved to the Community Addiction Unit in Cardiff in 1996. His clinical interests include the implementation of structured interventions using team and interagency approaches. Publications have been eclectic, including studies of amphetamine prescribing, cannabis use and needle fixation, and reviews of alcohol withdrawal treatment and khat use. He has recently co-edited an introductory textbook on substance misuse.

Karin Arnold is a researcher at the Cardiff Community Addiction Unit, and a psychology postgraduate at the University of Cardiff. She is currently working on a dexamphetamine treatment trial and has a continued interest in the study of needle fixation.