How the Chicken Crossed the World
Andrew Lawler - Paperback
Tom Schutyser is a Belgian documentary photographer and researcher who specialises in architecture and history. His coverage of caravanserais has been shown in galleries in Paris, Beirut, and Portland, Oregon. Andrew Lawler, a contributing editor to science and archaeology magazines, also writes for Smithsonian, Discover, National Geographic and other publications. Reza Aslan, a scholar of religions and Professor of Creative Writing at University of California at Riverside, a member of the Council on Foreign relations and a bestselling author. Rachid al-Daif is a writer whose novels have been translated from Arabic into eleven languages. Robert Fisk is a multiple award-winning journalist on the Middle East, based in Beirut. He writes for The Independent and other publications. Dominique Moïsi is a senior adviser at the French Institute for International relations (IFrI), and the author of several books on international affairs. Paul Salem is director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Middle East Center.