The Emergence of a Hero
Andrei Zorin - Hardback
Andrei Zorin is a cultural and literary historian. Before taking a Chair of Russian at Oxford (2004), he was a Professor at the Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow and a Visiting Professor in many American universities, including Harvard (1999, 2003), Stanford (1995, 2000), NYU (2001), and the University of Michigan (1999). Zorin is a member of several leading academic magazine boards, including the Slavic Review (USA), Cahiers du Monde Russes (France), and the New Literary Review (NLO) (Russia). He has published more than 150 articles in Russian, English, French, German and Italian. He is also the editor of Lydia Ginzburg's Prokhodiashchie kharaktery (Moscow, 2011; with E. van Buskirk). By Fables Alone is a translation of his monograph, Kormia dvuglavogo orla..., published in Russian in 2001.|Marcus Levitt (PhD Columbia University) is a professor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Southern California. Dr. Levitt is known for both his work on eighteenth-century Russian culture and on Pushkin. Major publications include: Russian Literary Politics and the Pushkin Celebration of 1880 (1989), Early Modern Russian Letters: Texts and Contexts. Selected Essays (2009), and The Visual Dominant in Eighteenth-Century Russia (2011). Among his many translations from Russian are the works by Viktor Zhivov and Boris Uspenskij.