Understanding Competition and Diversity in Television Programming
Andreas Masouras - Paperback
Dr Dimitrios A. Belias is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, School of Management and Economics, at the University of Thessaly, Greece, with the subject " Organization and Services Management in the Tourist Market ". His research interests are in the areas of Management, Human Resource Management, Change Management, Success of Organizational Change, Organizational Behaviour, Tourism Business Administration, Educational Management, Service Quality and Tourism and Hospitality Management. He has published 1 book and 52 chapters in books on Service Management, Organizational Behaviour and Tourism and Hospitality Management, 70 articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals, and has more than 70 conference presentations in the areas of organization behaviour, human resource management, Organization and Services Management and Tourism and Hospitality Management. His work is internationally recognized as it has more than 2.760 references and i22-index 28 (PorP). Currently he is member in many scientific and professional bodies.
Dr Ioannis F. Rossidis is a Lecturer in Hellenic Open University holding a Phd in Public Management from Panteion University. Dr. Rossidis over the last decade, has been teaching in undergraduate and post graduate programs in various Greek and Cypriot Universities. Dr. Rossidis has also worked as Financial Director in the Hellenic Quality Assurance& Accreditation Agency, as executive in Ministry of Finance, Piraeus Bank and ATE Bank and as manager in Leivatho Hotel (4star). Dr. Rossidis, has contributed to various conferences and has authored numerous published papers and books. His research interests are public management, public administration, administrative science, change management.
Christos Papademetriou, teaches at the University of Neapolis in Pafos since 2010. He is an Assistant Professor in Management – Human Resources Management at the School of Economics, Administration and Computer Science. He is a Coordinator of the Distance Master in Business Administration (DMBA). He was teaching in the Department of Business Administration at the Open University of Cyprus (2017-2020). He obtained a ΒΑ (Hons) in Accounting and Business (2001) and MA in International Management (2002) from the University of Sunderland. He was awarded also a BSc (Hons) in Computing and the Postgraduate Certificate in Information Systems from the University of Portsmouth. He holds a doctorate (PhD) in Social Science from the University of Leicester, UK. The title of his thesis is "Investigating the Impact of Sequential Cross-Cultural Training on the Level of Sociocultural and Psychological Adjustment of Expatriate Mangers".
Andreas Masouras is an Assistant Professor at Neapolis University Pafos. He is expertise in Marketing Management and Qualitative Social Research. Dr. Masouras is a graduate of the Doctor Management program from Monarch Business School and PhD holder in Institutional Economics from the University of Peloponnese. Dr. Masouras also holds an MPhil in Media from the University of Brighton, a BA degree in Communication and Mass Media from the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, LLB from Neapolis University and a M.Sc. in Globalization, Media and Culture from the University of Glamorgan in Wales (South Wales University) as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Management Studies (with specialization in media) from the National Awarding Body of the United Kingdom. Opposite of media studies, Dr. Masouras holds a postgraduate certificate in university education from the University of Brighton. He is a founding member and Head of the Research Institute of Applied Communication in Cyprus. Andreas has been a Visiting Research Fellow at Antwerp University in Belgium, at the Central European University in Hungary and at Fordham University, NY.
Sofia Anastasiadou is a Professor of Statistics and Research Methodology, School of Health Sciences, Department of Department of Midwifery, University of Western Macedonia (UOWM). She is the Head Statistics and Insurance Science Department, School of Economics of UOWM, and a Member of the Dean of the School of Economics of the University of Western Macedonia. She is also a Member of the Senate and a MODIP Member of the same University. She is the president of Hellenic Data Analysis Association. Her teaching focuses in the field of Research Methodology (Quantitative and Qualitative), Educational Research and Statistical Data Analysis, Big Data and Research Ethics. She has written three books on Statistics and Research Methodology and has published over 280 articles in International and Greek Journals as well as in International and Greek Conferences. She has participated in scientific dialogues/round tables in more than 200 lectures at International and Greek Conferences. She has organized and co-organized Greek and International Scientific Conferences. She is also a member of a number of Scientific Committees of International Conferences and is an Associate Editor in a number of International Journals.