Andrea Varga Editor

Marc Weller is Professor and Chair of International Law and International Constitutional Studies, Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Cambridge. He has served as UN Senior Mediation Expert and is a highly experienced international dispute settlement professional. Certified and accredited as a professional mediator, he was elected a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, and is a qualified barrister at Doughty Street Chambers in London. As principal investigator for the ESRC-funded Legal Tools of Peace-making project, of which this book is one output, he developed the Language of Peace database in collaboration with the UN. Mark Retter is a former Gates Cambridge Scholar and Research Associate for the Legal Tools for Peace-making project at the University of Cambridge, which developed the Language of Peace database. He has published papers on jus cogens, Fuller's procedural natural law and MacIntyre's human rights scepticism, and is currently working on a monograph, Human Rights After Virtue (forthcoming, CUP), and on the Handbook on Natural Law and Human Rights (forthcoming, CUP). Andrea Varga is a former Research Associate for the ESRC-funded Legal Tools for Peace-making project at the University of Cambridge, where she oversaw the development of the Language of Peace database. Her research interests include state responsibility, human rights obligations of non-state actors, and the influence of parties' pleadings on international jurisprudence.