Andrea Gritti Editor

Giovanni Luigi Fontana is full professor of Economic History at Padua University. He is the Director of the inter-university Master Course in Conservation, Management and Enhancement of the Industrial Heritage MPI. He has been a visiting professor in many universities abroad. He has written over 250 articles, essays, and books on economic and social history. He was the Italian representative and board member of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH), the most important world body for the conservation and enhancement of industrial heritage, recognised by both ICOMOS and UNESCO. Andrea Gritti PhD, architect, conducts research in Architectural and Urban Composition. He teaches Architectural Design and Composition and Distributional Features of Buildings at the AUIC School at Politecnico University in Milan and is a visiting professor in Latin American Universities. He coordinates research programs dedicated to the development, conservation and transformation of the cultural heritage in academic networks in Europe and throughout the world.