Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TENDEV 2023
3 contributors - Hardback
Jean-Vasile Andrei is a full professor, scientific researcher and Ph.D. mentor in economics. He is the co-founder and scientific coordinator of the Research Network on Resource Economics and Bioeconomy (RebResNet).
Nicoleta Mateoc-Sîrb is a full professor at the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" in Timisoara and a scientific researcher at the Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch. Her research interests include rural economy, rural development and territorial organization, sustainable rural development, and rural space economy.
Andrea Feher is an associate professor at the University of Life Sciences "King Mihai I" in Timisoara and a scientific researcher at Romanian Academy – Timisoara Branch. She holds a PhD focused on farm financial management and a Dr. habil. In Engineering and Management in Agriculture and Rural Development. She is skilled in organizational development, financial planning and management, sustainable development, and international relations.