A Critical History of Dementia Studies
2 contributors - Hardback
Clive Baldwin is Senior Lecturer in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford, UK. He spent many years working in the voluntary and community sector before undertaking his PhD at the University of Sheffield. Following post-doctoral research at ETHOX, University of Oxford, he joined the Bradford Dementia Group in 2003. His main interests are ethics, narrative, personhood and the experience of family carers.
Andrea Capstick is Senior Lecturer in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford, UK. She worked with Tom Kitwood to develop Bradford Dementia Group’s educational provision, supported by partnership funding from the UK Alzheimer’s Society. She has been a member of Bradford Dementia Group since 1994. Her main research interests are adult learning, the use of arts-based approaches in dementia care education, and user involvement.