André Barciela Veras Editor

André Barciela Veras, M.D., PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry in the Medical School of the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Fruitful research partnerships and meticulous discussions of clinical experience with superb mentors have contributed immensely to the content of this book. His psychosis research papers all reflect all those collaborations. He graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where he also obtained his master's, doctoral and post-doctoral degrees. Jeffrey P. Kahn, M.D. is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Weill-Cornell Medical College in Manhattan. This work on psychosis draws from research and clinical experience, and from academic interests in precision diagnosis, anxiety disorders and evolution. His book on evolutionary psychopathology (Angst: Origins of Anxiety and Depression, Oxford, 2012) included a preliminary overview of some ideas described here. He graduated from Swarthmore College and the Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons.