Researching and Teaching Speech Acts with Young L2 Learners
3 authors - Paperback
Milica Savić is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Stavanger, Norway. Her research focuses on L2 pragmatics, linguistic politeness and pragmatics instruction. Her publications include a monograph Politeness through the Prism of Requests, Apologies and Refusals. A Case of Advanced Serbian EFL Learners, a co-edited volume Email Pragmatics and Second Language Learners, as well as papers in a number of edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals.
Anders Myrset is Associate Professor of ELT Methodology at the University of Stavanger, Norway. His research explores the teaching and development of pragmatic competence, (meta)pragmatic awareness of young EFL learners and issues related to research with children, and has appeared in various peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. He is an executive board member of the International Association for Teaching Pragmatics and an author of ELT textbooks for young language learners.
Maria Economidou-Kogetsidis is Professor of English and Applied Linguistics at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Her research spans L2 and intercultural pragmatics, cross-cultural communication, linguistic politeness and L2 email pragmatics. She has published widely in edited volumes and peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Pragmatics, the ELT Journal and the Language Learning Journal. She is the co-editor of the edited volumes Interlanguage Request Modification and Email Pragmatics and Second Language Learners (John Benjamins).