The Gloria Anzaldúa Reader
Gloria Anzaldúa - Paperback
Gloria E. Anzaldúa is the author of Borderlands/LaFrontera: The New Mestiza, Friends from the OtherSide/Amigos del otro lado, and Prietita and the GhostWoman/ Prietita y la Llorona, editor of Making Face,Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and CriticalPerspectives by Women of Color, and co-editor of ThisBridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women ofColor. Anzaldúa has played a pivotal role in redefining US feminisms, cultural studies, Chicano/a issues, US American literature, ethnic studies, queer theory, and postcolonial theory.
AnaLouise Keating is Associate Professor of English at Aquinas College. In addition to Women Reading Women Writing: Self-Invention in Paula GunnAllen, Gloria Anzaldúa, and Audre Lorde, she co-edited Perspectives: Gender Studies and has published articles on critical "race" theory, queer theory, Latina writers, African American women writers, and pedagogy.