Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean
4 contributors - Hardback
C. M. Posner is Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education, University College London, UK. He was founding Director of the Instituto de Investigación Educativa y Desarrollo de Nayarit and Professor at the The Metropolitan Autonomous University, México, OECD consultant and Advisor to Ministry of Education, México. He is co-author, with David Scott, Christopher Martin and Elsa Guzmán, of Interventions in Education Systems (Bloomsbury, 2014). Christopher Martin is Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Education, University College London, UK. He is also a consultant on education reform programmes for the Ministry of Education, Mexico, and Associate Fellow of the Virtual University of Guadalajara, Mexico. He is co-author, with David Scott, Charles Posner and Elsa Guzmán, of Interventions in Education Systems (Bloomsbury, 2014) Ana Patricia Elvir is a co-founder and Senior Researcher at the Center for Educational Research and Social Action (CIASES), Nicaragua. She holds a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University, USA, and has over 20 years of experience in the field of education and international relations. Her research interests lie in teacher development and early childhood education.