Themes in Old World Zooarchaeology
6 contributors - Hardback
Umberto Albarella is a Professor of Zooarchaeology at the University of Sheffield (UK). His research focuses on various aspects of past human –animal relationships and is mainly based in Italy and Britain. He is also interested in the relationship between archaeology, politics and social justice. Cleia Detry is a researcher at Uniarq, the Archaeology Research Unit of the School of Arts of the University of Lisbon. She has worked mainly on Portuguese zooarchaeological assemblages and has a long-standing collaboration with Simon Davis on osteometrics and animal improvement. She also contributes to the Masters in Archaeology at the University of Lisbon. Sónia Gabriel is a zooarchaeologist in charge of the Osteological Reference Collections of the Direcção Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) (Laboratório de Arqueociências - LARC) in Lisbon. Her research is mainly based in Iberia and Morocco, and she has a particular expertise in fish bones. Catarina Ginja is the Principal Investigator of the Archaeogenetics group at CIBIO/InBIO-Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic at the University of Porto (Portugal). She is interested in understanding the origins, evolution and modes of improvement of domestic animals from the Iberian Peninsula. Ana Elisabete Pires is a biologist and researcher at CIBIO - InBIO Archaeogenetics Group (Portugal). Her main interest is in zooarchaeogenetics. Through the analyses of ancient DNA, she is committed to explore the evolutionary paths of the Iberian domestic animals, in particular the dog.