Amos Laar Author

Amos Laar, PhD obtained his BSc (in Nutrition and Biochemistry), MPH, PhD (in Public Health) from the University of Ghana, and MA (in Bioethics) from the University of Minnesota, USA.  He is a Bioethicist, and a Tenure-Track Academic at the School of Public Health, University of Ghana - Accra, Ghana. His earlier work makes significant contribution to public health scholarship on women’s reproductive health, particularly the socio-cultural, socio-ethical, and medico-ethical dimensions of HIV. Currently his research and professional practice straddle three distinct yet related areas of public health: Bioethics; Public Health Nutrition; and Social Public Health. Through these, his scholarship contributes to a deeper understanding of how physical environments, social environments, and structural forces affect realization of health. He has authored over 90 scholarly works on the above topics. He is a mentor – having supervised over 70 graduate and undergraduate theses from universities in Africa (University of Ghana, University of South Africa), Asia (Nagasaki University of Japan), Europe (University of Sheffield, UK), and North America (University of South Carolina, USA).