New Directions in Information Behaviour
2 contributors - Hardback
Amanda Spink is Professor and University Chair in Information Science in the Department of Information Science at Loughborough University (UK). She has a B.A. (Australian National University); Graduate Diploma of Librarianship (University of New South Wales); M.B.A. in Information Technology Management (Fordham University), and a Ph.D. in Information Science (Rutgers University). Amanda’s research focuses on theoretical and empirical studies of information behavior. The National Science Foundation, the American Library Association, Andrew R. Mellon Foundation, Amazon.com, Vivisimo. Com, Infospace.com, NEC, IBM, Excite.com, AlltheWeb.com, AltaVista.com, FAST, and Lockheed Martin have sponsored her research.
Amanda has published over 330 scholarly journal articles, refereed conference papers and book chapters, and 6 books. Many of her journal articles are published in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Information Processing and Management, and the Journal of Documentation. Amanda’s research has been published at many conferences including ASIST, IEEE ITCC, CAIS, Internet Computing, ACM SIGIR, and ISIC Conferences.
Her other books are Web Search: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval, New Directions in Human Information Behavior and Web Search: Public Searching of the Web, also published by Springer, and the Handbook of Research in Web Log Analysis, published by the Idea Group.
Amanda was ranked as the 8th Most Highly Cited Author in the Field of Information Retrieval [Ding, Y., Yan, E., Frazho, A., & Caverlee, J. (2009). PageRank for ranking authors in co-citation networks. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(11), 2229-2243] and in 2008 had the second highest H-index citation score in her field from 1998 to 2008 [Norris, M. (2008). Ranking Fellow Scholars and Their H-Index: Preliminary Survey Results. Loughborough University, Dept of Information Science Report].