Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis
3 contributors - Hardback
Michael Kimmel is Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Stony Brook University where he also directs the Center for the Study of Men and Masculinities. His books include Angry White Men (2012), The Guy's Guide to Feminism (2011), Guyland (2008), Men's Lives (9th edition, 2013), and Manhood in America: A Cultural History (3rd edition, 2011).He is also founder and editor of Men and Masculinities, the field's premier scholarly journal. Christine Milrod, PhD, is a licensed psychotherapist and sexologist whose research includes transgender issues and clients of heterosexual prostitution. She practices sex therapy with emphasis on evolutionary psychology, sexual and (trans)gender identities, and socially constructed gender roles. She has published and edited social science journal articles, and translated fiction, subtitles and sociological writings from Swedish to English. Amanda Kennedy, MA, is a Ph.D. candidate in Sociology at Stony Brook University. Her research and teaching interests include race, gender, sexualities, and embodiment; her research is guided by poststructuralist and postcolonial feminism.