Alys Longley Editor

Nancy Duxbury, PhD, is a Senior Researcher and Co-coordinator of the Cities, Cultures and Architecture Research Group at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal. Her research examines culture-based development models in smaller communities, cultural planning, cultural mapping, and creative tourism for local sustainable development. Recent books include Animation of Public Space through the Arts: Toward More Sustainable Communities; Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry; Culture and Sustainability in European Cities: Imagining Europolis; and Cultural Policies for Sustainable Development.

W. F. Garrett-Petts is Professor and Associate Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies at Thompson Rivers University, Canada. His recent books include Cultural Mapping as Cultural Inquiry (2015); Whose Culture is it, Anyway? Community Engagement in Small Cities (2014); and PhotoGraphic Encounters: The Edges and Edginess of Reading Prose Pictures and Visual Fictions (2000). He is currently engaged in exploring questions of visual and verbal culture, cultural and vernacular mapping, and the artistic animation of small cities.

Alys Longley is an interdisciplinary artist, writer and teacher. Alys's books include The Foreign Language of Motion (2014)and Radio Strainer (2016). Alys is a Senior Lecturer in Dance Studies, University of Auckland, New Zealand.