Alma Möller Author

Alma Möller: Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Botany and Genetics, and a Master of Science in Entomology, after obtaining a postgraduate certificate in Electron Microscopy. She worked at the University of Limpopo as Electron Microscopist for 20 years. In 2008 she retired to become a very enthusiastic Miniaturist and devoted Euphorbiaphile. Rolf Becker: Graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and Biochemistry, as well as a Master of Science and PhD in Biochemistry. He was Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Limpopo for 20 years, while also furthering his career in university administration, focused on change management. Currently he is Dean of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences at the Namibia University of Science and Technology. Together they spent the last fifteen years travelling throughout southern Africa studying live populations of euphorbias in their natural environment.