Alistair Ulph Editor

Alistair Ulph is Professorial Research Fellow of the Sustainable Consumption Institute and formerly Director of the Sustainable Consumption Institute, The University of Manchester, where he was also Vice-President and Dean of Humanities (2004-2010). His research interests are mainly in the field of environmental and resource economics, recently focussing on international aspects of environmental and trade policies, though he has also published in labour economics, industrial economics, and public economics. Over his career he has published eight books, including Trade and the Environment, Selected Essays of Alistair Ulph (Edward Elgar, 1999) and over 100 refereed papers. In 2000 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and President of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Dale Southerton is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Sustainable Consumption Institute at The University of Manchester, and Director of the Sustainable Practices Research Group (funded by the ESRC, Defra, and the Scottish Government). His principal areas of research interest are consumption, sustainability, theories of practice and social change, innovation and material culture, time-use, and everyday life. He has published extensively in these fields, is the author of Communities of Consumption: Place, Geographical Mobility and Identification (VDM Verlag, 2009), editor of the Encyclopedia of Consumer Culture (Sage, 2011) and co-editor (with Alan Warde) of The Habits of Consumption (Helsinki: Open Access Book Series of the Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, 2012) and (with H. Chappells and B. Van Vliet) Sustainable consumption: the implications of changing infrastructures of provision (London: Edward Elgar, 2004).