Alison Rhodes Author

Alison Rhodes:I've always found writing my thoughts down very therapeutic and from a young age I discovered that I would often automatically write in rhyme.I didn't find the courage to share my writing with anyone until, at High School when I was 15, our English Teacher asked us to write a poem about 'Sight'. It was very poignant as my Mum had recently been diagnosed with a disease that would gradually rob her of her sight, so I wrote from my heart. When our teacher said she had "a particularly beautiful poem that had been handed in and wanted to read it to the class," I was amazed when it was mine!As life became busier with work, marriage, and so on., I found that it was at the saddest times of my life that I would feel compelled to put pen to paper. When I devastatingly miscarried our first much-wanted, long-awaited baby, I took some comfort from writing poems for her and then when our incredibly precious son arrived I was able to see the world through the eyes of a child again and wanted to convey the magic around us in my writing.In 2010 I trained to be a Reiki Healing Practitioner and, in order to get to know the others in the class better, we were asked to tell a little about ourself and our interests. I mentioned that I wrote poetry and though I was reluctant at first, I was persuaded to share some with the group. The teachings I received from the course gave me more confidence and self-belief, things I had been distinctly lacking, and helped me to regain a sense of inner peace which was then reflected in the type of things I wrote about.