Alicia Cotabish Author & Editor

Susan K. Johnsen, PhD, is Professor Emerita of Educational Psychology at Baylor University. She has written three tests for identifying gifted students and more than 300 articles, monographs, technical reports, chapters, and books related to gifted education.

Debbie Dailey, EdD, is Associate Professor of Education and Chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Central. She serves as treasurer for Arkansans for Gifted and Talented Education, Chair of the STEM network at National Association for Gifted Children, and President-Elect for Council for Exceptional Children-The Association for the Gifted.

Alicia Cotabish, EdD, is Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning at the University of Central Arkansas. Alicia is the former past-president of the Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators and currently serves as Co-Chair of the National Association for Gifted Children Standards Committee.