The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
Algernon James Pollock - Paperback
Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Algernon James Pollock (1864-1957), in his own words, "had the inestimable privilege of being brought up in a Christian home". At the age of eleven he made a profession of faith in Christ. Early in life he was introduced to leading figures amongst the Brethren, including John Nelson Darby. He followed his father into banking, but his true calling was to share the treasure in heaven, and he left to become a full-time evangelist. When not undertaking preaching engagements he wrote gospel hymns, edited the "Gospel Tidings" hymnbook, and took on the editing of the magazine "The Gospel Messenger", started by Dr W T P Wolston, and frequently contributed articles to "Scripture Truth" magazine. He was also led to become an indefatigable apologist from the pulpit and in print wherever he saw the Christian faith under attack. He wrote a number of major books and he is probably best known for over fifty pamphlets showing the error of different cults and ideas. In 1909 he was selected to contribute a chapter entitled "Modern Spiritualism Briefly Tested by Scripture" to "The Fundamentals". His ministry was not restricted to the United Kingdom; he travelled in the USA in 1898, and also visited Scandinavia, India, Spain and Germany. John D Rice (1946-) spent his working life in IT education, management, training and consultancy. He has both a written and oral ministry in the UK, and edited "The Interpreter", a magazine for young Christians. In retirement, he is involved in digital publishing with Scripture Truth Publications, of which he is a trustee.