Lenin's Moscow
Alfred Rosmer - Paperback
Alfred Rosmer (18771964) became a committed revolutionary syndicalist in the early years of the twentieth century, and was one of only a handful of French socialists who opposed the First World War from the outset. The victory of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia led him to become a communist. He attended the Second, Third and Fourth Congresses of the Communist International and was a member of its Executive Committee. He also played a leading role in the founding of the Red International of Labour Unions and was a member of the political bureau of the French Communist Party. Though he was expelled from the French Communist Party in 1924, he remained a convinced revolutionary until his death. Ian Birchall is a socialist historian and translator based in London. His books include The Spectre of Babeuf, Sartre Against Stalinism, A Rebel’s Guide to Lenin, and Tony Cliff: A Marxist for His Time.