Integrative Pediatric Oncology
3 contributors - Paperback
Professor Georg Johannes Seifert was born on 1975, in Kiel, Germany. In 1995, he began studying medicine in Berlin, obtaining his license to practice medicine in 2002 at the Charité children’s hospital, Berlin. In July 2004, he was awarded a position as scientific officer and physician.
Professor Seifert is currently holding the first professorship for “Integrative medicine in pediatrics” and he is holding a position as a Visiting Professor at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. His work focuses on Anthroposophic and Integrative Medicine. He is also a consultant for the intensive care unit of the Charité’s clinic for pediatric oncology.Professor Seifert is a member of many professional organisations including the German Society of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine (DGKJ) and the European Society of Integrative Medicine. He also acts as scientific advisor for several journals such as the European Journal of Pediatrics, the European Journal of Integrative Medicine and Klinische Pädiatrie (Clinical Pediatrics). He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals and has participated in many conferences as a speaker in Europe and the USA.
Prof. Dr. Alfred Längler is Head of the Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and Medical Director of the Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke/Germany. He studied medicine at the University of Witten/Herdecke. The clinical training as a paediatrician took place in the Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Herdecke, the Evangelical Hospital Hamm and the University of Cologne, where he qualified as a pediatric oncologist. His clinical focus is on pediatric oncology. He is Professor of Integrative Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine at the Faculty of Health of the University of Witten/Herdecke/Germany. His scientific work focuses on integrative pediatrics. The use of integrative therapy methods in paediatrics as well as topics of further education and training in integrative pediatrics are the focal points of the scientific and practical activities of the working group he leads. He is the author of numerous international peer-reviewed publications on the above-mentioned topics and author and editor of a large number of specialist books on the above-mentioned topics. He is also a member of a number of national guidelines groups of various scientific societies. He is the first chairman of the WHO/Unicef initiative Baby-Friendly Hospital in Germany and a member of the National Breastfeeding Commission in Germany.