Alexei Volkov Editor

Alexei Volkov is Professor of the Center for General Education of the National Tsing-Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan). He received his PhD degree in history of mathematics from the Institute for History of Science and Technology of the Soviet (Russian) Academy of Sciences in 1989, and since then has been working on the history of mathematics, history of mathematics education and history of science in East and Southeast Asia, in particular, in pre-modern China and Vietnam.  


Viktor Freiman, Ph. D. in teaching computer science is Full Professor at the Université de Moncton, Canada. His main research interests, besides the history of mathematics education, focuses on innovations in teaching and learning, STEAM-education, mathematical giftedness, problem solving, virtual learning communities, as well as digital literacy. He is director of the CompéTICA Partnership Network, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014-2017) to investigate digital competence development in the life-long perspective. He is also co-editor of the book Series Mathematics Education in the Digital Era (since 2014).