Politics, Ontology and Ethics in Spinoza
Alexandre Matheron - Hardback
Chantal Jaquet is Professor of Philosophy at the Universit Paris I Panth on-Sorbonne. She is the author of numerous books and articles on Spinoza, Bacon and Descartes. She is one of the world's leading scholars on Spinoza and the history of early modern philosophy.Alexandre Matheron is former Professor of Philosophy at the Ecole normale sup rieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud and the CNRS. His key works include The Individual and Community in Spinoza ( ditions de Minuit, 1968), Christ and the Salvation of the Ignorants in Spinoza ( ditions Aubier-Montaigne, 1971) and Anthropology and Politics in the 17th Century (Vrin, 1985).Eris Aldieri is currently completing his PhD in Philosophy at DePaul University