Alexandra Laing Editor

Starr Sackstein is a visionary educator, prolific writer, and passionate advocate for transforming the world of education with over 20 years of experience in education as a high school teacher, author, and coach. Starr is currently the COO of Mastery Portfolio, an EdTech startup committed to helping schools move to standard-based communication. You can learn more about her work on her website, and you can follow her @MsSackstein.

Alexandra Laing is a visionary leader in K-16 education and an innovative change maker with nearly 20 years of experience teaching in elementary and secondary classrooms, as a district K-12 central office administrator, as a national director with an educational nonprofit, and as a research officer in higher education in a public HBCU. You can learn more about her work on her website, and you can follow her @Dr_ALaing.

MaryAnn DeRosa is a passionate and progressive educator, a classroom teacher for over 20 years, and continues to serve students by working in the classroom as a lead classroom teacher, special educator, and instructional and SEL/Equity coach. You can follow her @MA_DeR0sa.

Tiffany Turner Hall is an award-winning school principal with over 20 years of experience in education as a middle and high school social studies teacher and leader. You can follow her @DrTiffanyHall.