Alexander Ruck Keene Editor

Richard Frimston is a Partner and Head of the Private Client Group at Russell Cooke and advises clients in relation to their wills, probate and tax planning issues and offers Notary Public services. His areas of expertise include cross-border estates and international private law issues. Richard is a member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law and the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists. He is the Law Society representative to the European Committee of the Union Internationale du Notariat and is currently Chair of the EU STEP Committee and co-Chair of the STEP Public Policy Committee. Alexander Ruck Keene is a barrister at 39 Essex Street, where a very significant proportion of his practice is in proceedings under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. He has experience of appearing/advising upon all aspects of the Court of Protection's jurisdiction, and has appeared in the majority of the reported cases concerning its jurisdiction in cross-border cases. He is a member of both the Law Society of England and Scotland's Mental Health and Disability Committees, the author or co-author of leading textbooks in the field of mental capacity, and is Honorary Research Lecturer at the University of Manchester. Adrian Ward is a solicitor and senior partner of Messrs TC Young Turnbull & Ward and has been Convener of the Mental Health and Disability Committee of the Law Society of Scotland since 1989. He was awarded MBE for services to the mentally handicapped in Scotland (1992). Claire van Overdijk is a barrister at No. 5 Chambers and was called in 2003. She specialises in both the health and welfare and property and affairs jurisdictions of the Court of Protection, as well as the Court's international jurisdiction and cross-border capacity disputes.