Computer-Mediated Briefing for Architects
Alexander Koutamanis - Hardback
Dr. F. Pacheco-Torgal is a principal investigator at the University of Minho, in Portugal. He currently holds the title of Counsellor from the Portuguese Engineers Association and has authored more than 300 publications, 147 in Scopus and 125 in Web of Science. He is a member of the editorial board for 9 international journals, 5 referenced on Web of Science and two on Scopus. He has acted as a foreign expert in the evaluation of 18 PhD thesis. In the last 10 years he has been a Member of the Scientific Committee for almost 60 conferences most of them in Asian countries. He is also a grant assessor for several scientific institutions in 13 countries, UK, US, Netherlands, China, France, Australia, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Spain, Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, UA. Emirates, Poland and, the EU Commission. He has also been an invited reviewer for 125 international journals and has reviewed almost 1000 papers. He has been the lead editor of 22 books published by Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, and Springer, 10 being on the Master Book List of Web of Science. Yining Ding is Professor in the Institute of Structural Engineering at Dalian University of Technology, China. He has published over 100 papers in three languages. Francesco Colangelo is a Full Professor of Materials Science and Technology at the Parthenope University of Naples in Italy. His main research work covers the recycling of waste materials in concrete especially forgeo-environmental and civil engineering applicationsand the application of life cycle assessment methodology in the preparation of innovative building materials. He is also interested inthe evaluation anddurability of mortars and concretes, the stabilization/solidification of hazardous wastes and the synthesis ofgeopolymericeco-sustainable materials based on industrial waste. Dr. Rabin Tuladhar is an Associate Professor and Head of Engineering in the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University, Australia. He served as Director of Engineering Studies (2018-2020) and Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching (ADLT) (2012-2018) for the College of Science and Engineering. He is a Civil Engineer, with specialization in Concrete and Structure Engineering. He has established close collaborations with local industries to conduct translational research in the areas of sustainable and innovative construction materials, durability of structures, rehabilitation of aged infrastructure and structural health monitoring. Alexander Koutamanis is an Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology. He is also an executive board member of the LDE Centre for BOLD Cities.