Alex Garcia Author & Illustrator

Alex Garcia is a Software Engineer at Schibsted. He started coding in C++ but later moved to Java. He is also interested in Groovy, Scala, and JavaScript. He is always eager to learn new things and that is why he has also worked as a System Administrator and Full Stack Engineer. He is a big fan of agile practices. He is always interested in learning new languages, paradigms, and frameworks. When the computer is turned off, he likes to walk around sunny Barcelona and play sports. Viktor Farcic is a Senior Consultant at CloudBees, a member of the Docker Captains group, and an author. His big passions are DevOps; microservices; continuous integration, delivery, and deployment; and test-driven development. He often speaks at community gatherings and conferences. He published The DevOps Toolkit series and the Test-Driven Java Development book. His random thoughts and tutorials can be found at his blog, Technology Conversations.