Soil Science
3 contributors - Set / collection
Alfred E. Hartemink is a soil scientist and Head of the World Soil Museum at ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, The Netherlands, and Deputy Secretary General of the International Union of Soil Sciences. Alex. B. McBratney is Pro-Dean and Professor of Soil Science in the Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources, The University of Sydney, Australia. Robert E. White is an Emeritus Professor of Soil Science in the Department of Resource Management and Geography, School of Land and Environment, The University of Melbourne, Australia. Editorial Advisory Board: M. Bierkens (Utrecht University, The Netherlands) B. Minasny (The University of Sydney, Australia) P. Smith (University of Aberdeen, UK) C. Walter (UMR INRA/Agrocampus Rennes Sol, France) B. Yaron (Weizmann Institute of Science , Rehovot, Israel)