Gut Feelings
2 authors - Paperback
World-renowned pediatric gastroenterologist and research scientist Alessio Fasano is founder and director of the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital, the first research and treatment center for celiac disease, wheat allergy, and gluten sensitivity in the U.S. Dr. Fasano created the Center in 1996 to advance the treatment, research, and awareness of celiac disease; his research established the prevalence of the autoimmune disorder as one in 133 in 2003. A national and international keynote speaker, he is also widely sought by national and international media and has been featured in hundreds of outlets including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, CNN, Bloomberg News, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, “Good Morning America,” VOGUE, and numerous health-related websites and magazines. Trained in Naples, Italy, Dr. Fasano is visiting professor at Harvard Medical School and chief of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition at MassGeneral Hospital for Children. Nationally award-winning higher education writer and editor Susie Flaherty is director of communications for the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital. The former speechwriter to university presidents and international bank executives has led a wide variety of marketing and strategic communications projects, including a stint as senior editor at the University of Maryland. Her current work at the Center for Celiac Research includes promoting Dr. Fasano’s research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of celiac disease and other autoimmune disorders. A member of the National Association of Science Writers, Susie is also an accomplished singer and songwriter.