Alessandro Chessa Author

Guido Caldarelli received his Ph.D. from SISSA (Italy), after which he was a postdoc in the University of Manchester (UK). He then worked at the TCM Group, University of Cambridge (UK), He returned to Italy as a lecturer at National Institute for Condensed Matter (INFM) and later as Primo Ricercatore in the Institute of Complex Systems of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy. He also spent some terms at University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and he has been visiting professor at ENS in Paris, University of Barcelona and ETH Zurich. He is expert of Statistical Physics and Complex Networks and author of more than 150 publications and two books on the topic. He is currently oordinating the EC FET IP project Multiplex on Multi-level complex systems. Alessandro Chessa graduated in Physics and received a PhD in theoretical Physics at the University of Cagliari (Italy). From April 1999 to July 2000 he has been Research Associate in the Physics Department of Boston University, studying Econophysics. In the meantime he has also been Scientific Consultant at the International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste) for a project about Parallel Computation. In the year 2012 he has been adjunct researcher in the Institute for Complex Systems (CNR) , 'La Sapienza' Rome, doing research in the field of Complex Network Theory. At present he is Assistant Professor in Statistical Physics in IMT, Institute of Advanced Studies, Lucca (Italy). Expert of Complex Networks and Data Science, has worked in the area of Community Detection for spatial networks. As entrepreneur is the founder of the SME Linkalab.