Alessandra Micozzi Author

Alessandra Micozzi, PhD in Applied Economics, is Assistant Professor in Business Administration and Business Administration and Business Organization, ECampus University, Italy. She has got Masters in Technology and Innovation Management and MBA at Istao Business School, Italy. She was WP leader in the European Project CHETCH (China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions) (PEOPLE MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Call: FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IRSES) and involved as experienced researcher for the economic area, in the European research project “Partnering opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable energies and environmental industries – POREEN.” She is involved in the European Project IMPACT as start-up expert. She has contributed to the creation of 3 innovative start-ups. Her main research interests are: 1) the factors affecting the entrepreneurial dynamics in a regional innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem; 2) academic entrepreneurship and the impact of academic spin-offs at the local level; 3) the role of Technology Transfer Offices to promote academic entrepreneurship; 4) women entrepreneurs in high-tech firms starting from the premise that female participation in entrepreneurial activities could favour faster development since the diversity of economic agents in terms of motivation and opportunity recognition is essential for economic growth; 5) entrepreneurship education with a specific focus on the ways that entrepreneurship education could be organized within universities.