Alessandra Lazazzara Editor

Concetta Metallo, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Organization and Information Systems at the University of Naples Parthenope. Her research interests are: technology adoption and usage behaviours, social media usage, e-participation. She has participated as speaker in several international conferences and she has published papers in journals such as Government Information Quarterly, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Production Planning & Control, Behaviour & Information Technology, Information Systems Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Computer Information Systems, BMC Health Services Research.

Maria Ferrara is Full Professor of Organization at the University of Naples Parthenope. Author of several books, essays, and articles on Business Organization and Information Systems, she has been Conference Chair at itAIS2010, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), and at WOA2011, the Italian Workshop of Professors and Researchers of Organization. Scientific Coordinator of a major Research Project on Innovation Systems, funded by the European Union, her research topics are the Information Systems and the impact of innovations on individuals and organizations.

Alessandra Lazazzara is an assistant professor of Organization and Human Resource Management at the University of Milan. She holds a PhD in Organizational Development from the University of Milano – Bicocca and has been Visiting Scholar at The Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (The Netherlands). Her research interests focus on job crafting, e-HRM, and diversity and inclusion. She is involved in several national and international research projects with a wide range of companies and institutions.  She has published in several HRM and OB journals such as Journal of Vocational Behavior, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Personnel Review and has co-edited three books of the LNISO Springer series. Alessandra is editorial board’s member of The International Journal of Human Resource Management and Baltic Journal of Management. She serves as vice-president of itAIS, the Italian Chapter of the Association for Information Systems and is a board member of ASSIOA, the Association of Italian Organization Studies Academics.

Stefano Za is currently Assistant Professor of Organization Studies and Information Systems at University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara (Italy), adjunct professor at LUISS University and visiting professor at the EM Strasbourg Business School. He is the Secretary of the Italian chapter of AIS since 2008, a personal member of ERCIS and member of program committees and reviewer for national and international conferences and journals in domains of Information Systems and Organization Studies. His main research interest is the analysis and design of digital artefacts and organizational systems. He is currently focused on digital innovations and business transformation affecting people and organizations in the digital ecosystem. He was editor for several books and journal special issues. He has also published a book, papers on international conferences proceedings, book series and journals such as I&M, GIQ, CAIS, JTAER, BJET and Personnel Review.