Alejandra Gutiérrez Editor & Author

Christopher Gerrard is Professor of Medieval Archaeology at Durham University. His eight books include Medieval Archaeology: Understanding Traditions and Contemporary Approaches (2003) and Interpreting the English Village: Landscape and Community at Shapwick, Somerset which won the Best Archaeological Book of the Year award in 2014. His fieldwork includes excavations in Spain and the Azores and projects on qanats, natural disasters in the Middle Ages and, most recently, the discovery of mass graves of 17th-century Scottish soldiers under one of the University's libraries. Alejandra Gutiérrez is a Research Fellow at Durham University. Her interests lie in the study of medieval and later material culture, particularly the movement of goods, trade and exchange, and European contact with Britain in the Middle Ages. She writes about ceramics and other archaeological finds and has authored numerous articles on the subject, including a book, Mediterranean Pottery in Wessex Households and an accompanying web-guide for the identification of medieval and later Spanish pottery ().