Democracy and Globalization
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr. iur. Charlotte Sieber-Gasser (MA Development Studies) is Senior Researcher and Lecturer in International Economic, EU and Constitutional Law at the University of Lucerne. She is a member of the institute for economy and regulation at the University of Lucerne, an affiliated researcher of the World Trade Institute, and co-editor of the Swiss open access law journal sui generis. Her research focuses on the reconciliation of economic globalization with democracy and intergenerational justice.
Alberto Ghibellini is a research fellow in the Department of Political and Social Sciences of the University of Bologna. He has taught or conducted research in several academic institutions, including the University of Genova, the University of Chicago, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Boston College, and the University of Lucerne. He has published essays on Plato, Richard Rorty and Leo Strauss and is the author of the monograph Al di là della politica. Filosofia e retorica in Leo Strauss (Genova: Genova University Press, 2012).