Albert Monferrer Author

Clàudia Cortés. Obtained an Agricultural Technical Engineering degree, specialized in agricultural and food industries from ESAB (Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona) (UPC, 2009), and graduated in Food Science and Technology by the department of Veterinary studies in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 2011). Started working in BDN Ingeniería de Alimentación (Barcelona) in 2012, cooperating technologically with departments of R&D for companies coming from various sectors in the food industry.

Núria Cubero. Obtained an Agricultural Technical Engineering degree, specialized in agricultural and food industries from ESAB (Escola Superior d’Agricultura de Barcelona) (UPC, 2000), and graduated in Food Science and Technology by the school of Veterinary studies in the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 2004). Started working in BDN Ingeniería de Alimentación (Barcelona) in 1999, cooperating technologically with departments of R&D for companies coming from various sectors in the food industry. Holder of three patents developed at BDN. Since 2007 she collaborates as a professor in the food additive block in the Master for Technology, Control and Safety in the Food Industry (MTCA) in the Centro de Estudios Superiores de la Industria Farmacéutica (CESIF). She is associated professor and in the degree for Culinary Science and Gastronomy, in Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

Laura Gómez. Graduated in Biology by the Universitat de Barcelona (UB, 2005), graduated in Food Science and Technology by the Universitat de Barcelona (UB, 2008) and obtained a Master’s Degree in Development and Innovation in Food (UB, 2009). Started working in BDN Ingeniería de Alimentación (Barcelona) in 2007, cooperating technologically with departments of R&D for companies coming from various sectors in the food industry.

Albert Monferrer. Graduated in Veterinary Medicine (Universidad de Zaragoza, 1984) and obtained a Master’s Degree in Food biotechnology (UPC, 1989). Started working in BDN Ingeniería de Alimentación (Barcelona) in 1992, cooperating technologically with departments of R&D for companies coming from various sectors in the food industry. Holder of six patents developed at BDN. Since 2005 he has been associated professor at the Department for Nutrition, Food Science and Gastronomy in the school of Farmacy and Food Science in Universitat de Barcelona for the degree of Food Science, degree for Culinary Science and Gastronomy and Master for Development and Innovation in Food. For years he has been collaborating as a professor in the Master of Nutrition and Metabolism in Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Master of Food Safety in the Official College of Veterinarians of Madrid and in the Higher Diploma of Food, Nutrition and Public Health in Instituto Carlos III of Madrid.