Albert I Wertheimer Author & Editor

Robert B. Raffa, PhD is an adjunct professor at the University of Arizona College

of Pharmacy (Tucson, AZ) and professor emeritus at Temple University School of

Pharmacy (Philadelphia, PA). He has bachelor’s degrees in chemical engineering

and physiological psychology, master’s degrees in biomedical engineering and

toxicology, and a doctorate in pharmacology. He was a research fellow and team

co-leader for analgesics drug discovery at Johnson & Johnson. He was a full

professor at Temple University School of Pharmacy. He is currently a consultant,

a cofounder of CaRafe Drug Innovation and Enalare Therapeutics, and the CSO

of Neumentum Inc. He is a coholder of several patents and has published more

than 350 papers and coauthored or edited several books. He is a past president of

the Mid-Atlantic Pharmacology Society of the American Society of Experimental

Therapeutics and a recipient of National Institutes of Health funding, and

research and teaching awards. He currently lectures and consults worldwide on

pharmacology principles and drug discovery and development.

Patricia J. Bush, PhD, is an emeritus professor at Georgetown University School

of Medicine, where she chaired the Division of Children’s Health Promotion in

the Department of Family Medicine. She earned a BS in Pharmacy from the

University of Michigan, an MSci in medical sociology from the University of

London (UK), and a PhD in social pharmacy from the University of Minnesota.

She has received numerous research grants and has published eight books, 21

book chapters, and more than 110 articles in peer-reviewed journals. She has

done research in other countries including Moldova. She has been a consultant to

a number of organizations, including the US Pharmacopeia. Her areas of

expertise include medicine-use behaviors, and she is best known for her studies

in children’s medicine knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Her awards include

the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Lifetime Award from the University of Michigan

College of Pharmacy.

Albert I. Wertheimer, PhD, MBA, is a professor at the College of Pharmacy,

Nova Southeastern University, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. He is the founding

editor of the Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, published by

Oxford University Press, and an international authority in pharmacoeconomics

and outcomes research. He is an author or editor of 43 books and author or

coauthor of more than 400 professional journal articles. He initiated and chaired

the Department of Social and Administrative Pharmacy at the University of

Minnesota. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and honors and has

lectured or consulted in over 75 countries.