Trance on Trial
2 authors - Paperback
Daniel Brown, PhD, is Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard Medical School, where he teaches courses on performance excellence for health professionals and judges. He is the author of sixteen books, including Memory, Trauma-Treatment, and the Law (with Alan Scheflin and Cory Hammond), winner of the 1999 Guttmacher award from the American Psychiatric Association for outstanding contribution to forensic psychiatry. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D., ABPH, is past president and a fellow of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), which honored him with a Presidential Award of Merit in 1989. He also received the ASCH Irving I. Secter Award in 1990 and the Thomas P. Wall Award for Excellence in Teaching of Clinical Hypnosis in 1994. He is Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Co-director of the Sex and Marital Therapy Clinic at the University of Utah School of Medicine. He has written six books, including the Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors. He coordinated a national task force on hypnosis and memory and is the primary author of Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis and of ASCH's Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis. Alan W. Scheflin, J.D., LL.M., is Professor of Law, Santa Clara University Law School, California. He is the co-author of The Mind Manipulators, Trance on Trial, which won the 1991 Manfred S. Guttmacher Award as the year's most outstanding publication in forensic psychiatry, and Clinical Hypnosis and Memory: Guidelines for Clinicians and for Forensic Hypnosis, which received the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Shapiro Award for "Book of the Year" in 1995. Professor Scheflin has testified before legislatures and has been judicially recognized in federal district court as an expert on mind and behavior control and in state court as an expert on suggestion and suggestibility, memory, and hypnosis. In 1993 he received the Irving I. Secter Award in honor of his service to the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.